The Right Approach: Government Mosquito Control Programs
Understanding the mosquito population within your community is important. By understanding the local population, via surveillance efforts, identification, and disease testing, you are taking a proactive approach to prevent and control mosquito populations.
An Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) program, sometimes referred to as an integrated pest management program, can assist in reducing not only nuisance populations, but also species that could potentially vector mosquito-borne diseases. Within the U.S., West Nile virus remains the #1 mosquito-borne disease reported on an annual basis. Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) and dengue are also annually reported, emphasizing the need for effective mosquito management programs.
We partner with the city, county, and state governments as well as mosquito abatement districts to help support their public health mission to protect residents and visitors to their community through integrated mosquito control solutions.
Target All Phases of the Mosquito’s Life Cycle
VDCI is the industry expert in Integrated Mosquito Management programs. These integrated mosquito control programs include responsible efforts to manage mosquitoes and help to prevent the transmission of serious diseases.
- Our surveillance provides you with valuable data that is captured and analyzed in our proprietary database.
- Our data helps you make better decisions, which leads to better results.
- Our commitment to educate the public and only take mosquito control action when nuisance or disease risk is high is more environmentally friendly.
- Our targeted mosquito control solutions minimize the risk of developing pesticide resistance.
Public Education 🦟
Understanding how to properly eliminate mosquito breeding habitats and take personal protective measures is a critical component of a successful integrated mosquito management program. Educating the public empowers people to take control of the mosquitoes breeding in their community.
Surveillance & Disease Testing 
In order to understand the risk and address the threat appropriately, it is critical to determine the mosquito distribution, density, and species composition throughout the target area. Mosquito surveillance and disease testing will provide the evidence needed to determine if there is increased disease activity and the level of risk to the local community.
Insecticide Resistance 
A crucial component for successfully controlling mosquito populations and reducing vector-borne disease transmission is overcoming insecticide resistance. To determine if an insecticide is effective, it is essential to start monitoring for resistance at the beginning of the season and throughout as necessary. There are many methods to monitor an insecticide’s effectiveness and minimize resistance, so Program Managers will need to frequently adjust their approach from season to season.
Larval Mosquito Control 
Eliminating mosquitoes prior to them becoming adults is an important control solution as part of an integrated mosquito management program focused on reducing mosquito-borne diseases because it stops mosquitoes before they acquire the virus and have the opportunity to transmit it to people.
Adult Mosquito Control 
When necessary, adulticide mosquito control applications are safely conducted with EPA-approved pesticides. These applications are based on surveillance and designed to target nuisance or disease-vectoring mosquitoes. We regularly test mosquitoes and take appropriate measures to prevent them from developing resistance.
Industry Leading Integrated Mosquito Management Services
VDCI is a mosquito control services company. Mosquito control is all we do. We do not sell products or equipment. We professionally execute the services that are needed to protect public health and improve the quality of life for communities and the people we serve. We do this through integrated mosquito management programs by controlling mosquito populations in the most cost-effective, scientific, and environmentally responsible ways available.
Data Collection, GIS Mapping, and Reporting
A keystone of the Integrated Mosquito Management approach is managing data. Every activity that is performed at VDCI is entered into our proprietary database for analysis and reporting. We use GPS equipment and technology in combination with our GIS department to put all our data into maps and reports. These reports are used both for our internal analysis and our presentation to customers and citizens within the boundaries that we serve.
Ground Services for Mosquito Control
Mosquito control programs begin with mosquito surveillance, which helps us understand population dynamics and species distribution. When mosquito larvae are detected, we use environmentally sound biological mosquito control products to eliminate the problem. When necessary, non-biological mosquito control methods are utilized. Once it’s been determined mosquito populations reach unacceptable levels, or the risk of mosquito-borne illness is imminent, adulticides are carefully applied in the safest, most environmentally friendly way possible. Our advanced spray technology ensures proper droplet size and accurate pesticide placement.
Aerial Services for Mosquito Control
VDCI has the largest fleet of aircraft in the world specifically dedicated to mosquito control programs. Aerial applications may be the only way to break the mosquito breeding cycle in emergency situations or when mosquito populations are abnormally high. All of our aircraft are equipped with the Wingman® GX spray optimization software and the AIMMS-20 onboard meteorological probe, the most advanced system designed specifically for mosquito control. Aerial applications are an important element as part of any wide-area integrated mosquito management program.
Integrated Mosquito Management – The Right Approach
Mosquito surveillance, source reduction, public education, habitat manipulation, larviciding, and adulticiding are all important components of a responsible integrated mosquito management or integrated pest management program for your community.
VDCI is a company built on the foundations of public health, ethics, professionalism, and technical expertise. We establish vector management programs based on an understanding of the underlying vector’s ecology and rooted in the current science of environmentally sound control measures.
We are committed to protecting public health through excellence in integrated mosquito management. Learn how our team can support an existing program or help you develop a custom mosquito control program to meet your community’s needs.